In 2012, CBS produced a
comedy-crime TV series which centers on two cops who have been sent
to couples counseling because their problems with each other is
affecting their work. Common
was able to show that couples counseling can work wonders for people
who are faced with relationship problems, including those who are
couples or partners at the workplace.
In the same way that
co-workers need to settle their differences so that their personal
problems won’t affect their professionalism or productivity,
married individuals must also try all means of conciliation and find
solution to problems, especially if they want a harmonious family
life. Sometimes couples just need the help of a professional who can
make them look at their current situation with a new perspective so
as to protect the marriage and preserve and build on the beautiful
memories they have together.
Counseling methods,
such as one based on scientific research like The Gottman Method, can
acquaint couples with new and useful strategies or approaches to help
them deal with differences and conflict more effectively. Going in
for Gottman Method couples therapy can provide them with a variety of
processes they can follow to resolve issues and avoid conflict
escalation, which can be fatal to the relationship. Moreover, couples
counseling can help partners develop a better understanding of their
spouse and his or her needs and build their core friendship, which is
essential to keeping and making relationships stronger.
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